About me
I have been teaching in hgher education since 1996 and high school since 2009. I have taught courses on the associate level in drafting, architecture, applied college algebra, applied trigonometry, and math fundamentals. On the graduate level I have taught master's and doctorate degree courses in Business and Education. Currently I teach for Brigham Young University-Idaho as an online adjunct, my full time employment is with Weber School District(Ogden, Utah area) as a High School Instructor where I teach engineering and architecture courses, business and computer science courses. Needless to say I love teaching. I also love to learn. My first degree was an Associate of Applied Science from Ricks College(now BYUI). From there I went on to the University of Utah where my undergraduate or Bachelor's degree in Architectural Studies was obtained. I gained a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix not long after. In 2007 I finished my Doctorate degree from the University of Idaho in Education with an emphasis in Adult Organization and Learning.
Here is a link to the handouts for my session: